
2009-09-05 12:48 阅读(?)评论(0)


Kingston Securities may terminate the Underwriting Agreement on or before the Latest Time for Termination if prior to the Latest Time for Termination: (1) in the absolute opinion of Kingston Securities, the success of the Open Offer would be materially and adversely affected by: (a) the introduction of any new law or regulation or any change in existing law or regulation (or the judicial interpretation thereof ) or other occurrence of any nature whatsoever which may in the absolute opinion of Kingston Securities materially and adversely affect the business or the financial or trading position or prospects of the Group as a whole or is materially adverse in the context of the Open Offer; or (b) the occurrence of any local, national or international event or change (whether or not forming part of a series of events or changes occurring or continuing before, and/or after the date thereof ) of a political, military, financial, economic or other nature (whether or not ejusdem generis with any of the foregoing), or in the nature of any local, national or international outbreak or escalation of hostilities or armed conf lict, or affecting local securities markets which may, in the absolute opinion of Kingston Securities materially and adversely affect the business or the financial or trading position or prospects of the Group as a whole or materially and adversely prejudice the success of the Open Offer or otherwise makes it inexpedient or inadvisable to proceed with the Open Offer; or (2) any adverse change in market conditions (including without limitation, any change in fiscal or monetary policy, or foreign exchange or currency markets, suspension or material restriction on trading in securities) occurs which in the absolute opinion of Kingston Securities is likely to materially or adversely affect the success of the Open Offer or otherwise makes it inexpedient or inadvisable to proceed with the Open Offer; or (3) there is any change in the circumstances of the Company or any member of the Group which in the absolute opinion of Kingston Securities will adversely affect the prospects of the Company, including without limiting the generality of the foregoing the presentation of a petition or the passing of a resolution for the liquidation or winding up or similar event occurring in respect of any of member of the Group or the destruction of any material asset of the Group; or (4) any event of force majeure including, without limiting the generality thereof, any act of God, war, riot, public disorder, civil commotion, fire, flood, explosion, epidemic, terrorism, strike or lock-out; or (5) any other material adverse change in relation to the business or the financial or trading position or prospects of the Group as a whole whether or not ejusdem generis with any of the foregoing; or (6) any matter which, had it arisen or been discovered immediately before the date of the Prospectus and not having been disclosed in the Prospectus, would have constituted, in the absolute opinion of Kingston Securities, a material omission in the context of the Open Offer; or (7) any suspension in the trading of securities generally or the Company’s securities on the Stock Exchange for a period of more than ten consecutive Business Days, excluding any suspension in connection with the clearance of the Announcement, this circular or the Prospectus Documents or other announcements or circulars in connection with the Open Offer, or (8) the Prospectus when published contains information (either as to business prospects or the condition of the Group or as to its compliance with any laws or the GEM Listing Rules or any applicable regulations) which has not prior to the date of the Underwriting Agreement been publicly announced or published by the Company and which may in the absolute opinion of Kingston Securities is material to the Group as a whole upon completion of the Open Offer and is likely to affect materially and adversely the success of the Open Offer, Kingston Securities shall be entitled by notice in writing to the Company, served prior to the Latest Time for Termination, to terminate the Underwriting Agreement.


倘於最後終止時間前發生下列事件,金利豐證券可於最後終止時間或之前終止包銷協議:(1) 金利豐證券全權認為,公開發售之成功將受下列事項重大不利影響:(a) 引入任何新法例或規例或現行法例或規例(或其有關司法詮釋)出現任何變動或出現其他任何性質之變動,而金利豐證券全權認為可能對本集團整體業務或財政或營運狀況或前景構成重大不利影響,或對公開發售重大不利;或(b) 任何地區、國家或國際出現政治、軍事、金融、經濟或其他性質(不論是否與前述任何一項同類)之事件或變動(不論是否組成包銷協議日期前及╱或後出現或持續出現連串事件或變動之一部分),或任何地區、國家或國際爆發敵對狀況或武裝衝突或敵對狀況或武裝衝突升級,或事件足以影響當地證券市場,而金利豐證券全權認為可能對本集團整體業務或財政或營運狀況或前景構成重大不利影響,或對公開發售之成功構成重大不利損害,或基於其他理由令進行公開發售屬不宜或不智;或(2) 市況出現任何不利變動(包括但不限於財政或金融政策或外匯或貨幣市場之任何變動、暫停或嚴重限制或證券買賣),而金利豐證券全權認為可能對公開發售之成功構成重大或不利影響,或基於其他理由令進行公開發售屬不宜或不智;或(3) 本公司或本集團任何成員公司之情況出現任何變動,而金利豐證券全權認為將對本公司之前景構成不利影響,包括(在不限制前述事項一般性之原則下)提出清盤呈請或通過決議案清盤或結業,或本集團任何成員公司發生類似事件,或本集團任何重大資產遭破壞;或(4) 任何不可抗力事件,包括(在不限制其一般性之原則下)任何天災、戰爭、暴亂、擾亂公共秩序、內亂、火災、水災、爆炸、疫症、恐怖主義活動、罷工或停工;或(5) 本集團整體業務或財政或營運狀況或前景出現任何其他重大不利變動(不論是否與前述任何一項同類);或(6) 任何倘緊接發售章程日期前發生或發現且並無於發售章程內披露之事項,而金利豐證券全權認為會對公開發售構成重大遺漏;或(7) 證券普遍地或本公司證券在聯交所暫停買賣超過十個連續營業日,不包括涉及核准該公佈、本通函或章程文件或與公開發售有關之其他公佈或通函而暫停買賣,或(8) 發售章程於刊發時載有本公司於包銷協議日期前並未公開宣佈或刊發之資料(關於本集團業務前景或狀況或關於其遵守任何法律或創業板上市規則或任何適用規例),而金利豐證券可能全權認為就完成公開發售而言對本集團整體屬重大,且有可能對公開發售之成功構成重大及不利影響,包銷商有權於最後終止時間前向本公司送達書面通知終止包銷協議。


如果在最后终止时间前发生下列事件,金利丰证券可在最后终止时间或之前终止包销协议:(1) 金利丰证券单方面认为,招股的成功将受到下列事项的重大不利影响:(a) 出台任何新的法律法规或现行法律法规(或其有关司法解释)发生任何变动或发生其它任何性质的变动,以致于金利丰证券单方面认为可能对本集团的整体业务、财务、运营状况或前景构成重大不利影响,或对公开招股极为不利;或(b) 任何地区、国家或国际上发生政治、军事、金融、经济或其它性质(不论是否与前述任何事项属同一类别)的事件或变动(不论是否构成包销协议的签署日期前及/或之后所发生或持续的一系列事件或变动的一部分),或任何地区、国家或国际上爆发敌对状况或武装冲突、或敌对状况或武装冲突升级,或该等事件足以影响当地证券市场,以致于金利丰证券单方面认为可能对本集团的整体业务、财务、运营状况或前景构成重大不利影响,或对公开招股的成功构成重大不利影响,或基于其它考虑致使不宜进行公开招股;或(2) 市况出现任何不利变动(包括但不限于财政或金融政策、外汇或货币市场的任何变动、暂停证券买卖或作出重大限制),以致于金利丰证券单方面认为可能对公开招股的成功构成重大或不利影响,或基于其它考虑致使不宜进行公开招股;或(3) 本公司或本集团旗下任何公司的情况发生任何变动,以致于金利丰证券单方面认为将对本公司的前景构成不利影响,包括(在不限制前述事项的一般性原则情况下)提出清算请求或通过决议進行清算或结业清理,或本集团旗下任何公司发生类似事件,或本集团的任何重要资产遭到破坏;或(4) 任何不可抗力事件,包括(在不限制前述事项的一般性原则情况下)任何天灾、战争、暴乱、扰乱公共秩序、民众骚乱、火灾、洪灾、爆炸、流行病、恐怖活动、罢工或停工;或(5) 本集团的整体业务、财务、运营状况或前景出现任何其它重大不利变动(不论是否与前述任何事项属同一类别);或(6) 如果在紧接招股书的发布日期之前发生或发现任何事项而在招股书内并无进行披露,以致于金利丰证券单方面认为对公开招股而言属于重大遗漏;或(7) 证券交易普遍暂停或本公司证券在联交所暂停交易达连续十个营业日以上,其中不包括涉及核准该公告、本通告或招股说明文件或与公开招股有关的其它公告或通告而暂停交易,或(8) 招股书在发布时包含本公司于包销协议的签署日期前并未公开或发布的信息(涉及本集团业务前景或状况,或涉及其遵守任何法律、创业板上市规则或任何适用法规的合规情况),以致于金利丰证券可能单方面认为,就完成公开招股而言对本集团整体上具有重要意义,并有可能对公开招股的成功构成重大不利影响,包销商有权于最后终止时间前向本公司送达书面通知以终止包销协议。



  最后修改于 2009-09-20 16:17    阅读(?)评论(0)
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